Monday 15 April 2013

RSA sandpit closed - get over it

Stuff reports the RSA (Returned Services Association) being annoyed that repairs to the Bridge of Remembrance will take longer than originally estimated.

That's a shame, but you see we here in Christchurch are suffering following a series of MASSIVE EARTHQUAKES which have damaged much of the city's infrastructure.  Important structures like peoples houses, water, sewerage pipes, roads and schools have taken a hammering.

In other words - GET OVER IT you miserable old sods.  We need to fix the important stuff first.

The RSA is miffed that their sandpit won't be fixed for the 100 year commemorations to mark the start of WWI.  Sorry guys, but you get to stand in line to have your non-essential, pedestrian-only bridge repaired at a cost of at least $3.2 million.

I've got an idea!  WHY DON'T THE RSA PAY FOR IT?

Or better still: go to Gallipoli and do your strutting there.

As you can tell I'm not an RSA supporter.  I'm tired of them telling me how noble they once were.  The second World War had been finished for two decades by the time I was born.  This makes it ancient history as far as I'm concerned.  Like Ghengis Kahn and the Roman empire.

The real turning point in my attitude to the RSA was when this bunch of old farts decried the planting of cherry blossoms along Christchurch's Memorial avenue because (get this) "They are synonymous with the Japanese".

Well I like the Japanese.  I like cherry blossoms too.  So stop living in the past and  telling me what I should and should not do.

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